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Joyce Davison


Joyce is the Program Manager for the Senior Center for Healthy Living. She was a key figure in establishing GCS over a decade ago. She coordinates a myriad of talented consultants who do everything from leading Zumba classes to teaching quilting. 


You can reach Joyce at

Rev. Laurie Wurm


The President of GCS is The Rev Laurie Wurm, Rector of Grace Church Van Vorst. Rev. Wurm has an extensive history with cultivating not-for-profit organizations. She was instrumental in establishing and then directing The Jubilee Center, a community center that provided over a hundred children in Hoboken’s public housing neighborhood with high quality after school and summer programming. She is the Co-Chair of Episcopal Jersey City which runs the Triangle Park Community Center.

Grant Neary


Grant manages the Breakfast Plus program and provides support for the Seniors program.

He coordinates volunteers, food, and supplies for the many who come to our parish hall in need. 


Grant can be reached at the contact information at the bottom of the page.

Grant Neary.png



GCS also relies upon a pool of many dedicated volunteers who plan, shop for and prepare hundreds of meals a week, welcome our guests, coordinate volunteer schedules and make it possible for GCS

to serve hundreds of people every week.

GCS Board of Directors


GCS’ board is comprised of dedicated volunteers who are currently creating an infrastructure to expand and deepen the services GCS is able to provide to better meet the tremendous need in Jersey City. The Board is cultivating new members with ties to Jersey City’s business community, key city stake holders, and local leaders who will help us spread the word about GCS. They are also reaching out to leaders of like-minded organizations who serve populations

similar to those served by GCS.

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